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There are 2 types of B2B customer typologies who could be interested by Notice : Non-developers and developers. Here we give you levers to use with them

For non-developers users (e.g.,marketing, HR, blog creators)

Example elevator pitch

"Notice allows you to take control over your public content. If you are tired of needing a web developer for every little change on your public content and want to save money, time, and quality by doing it yourself, Notice has got your back! Implementing Notice into your website is both simple and flexible. The editor is easy to use and intuitive, powered by AI to save you a lot of time through text/image generation, auto-translation, paragraph reformulations, and more. But we don't stop there: our blocks are also optimized for the web (SEO, accessibility norms, translation). They will act as steroids for your website, increasing your brand visibility in no time."


This type of user is mainly looking for a simple solution to do things by themselves quickly.

The power of notice here is its simple interface, the possibility to work in team on the same live project and the AI assistance to quickly generate content that can be further refined (for blogs for example)

The SEO optimization and compliance with increasingly mandatory accessibility norms is also a key selling point as some brands can consider inserting Notice blocks in their website as a quick fix to their website poor SEO

For developers users

"Notice will make your life easier by centralizing all your content creation in one tool (instead of spreading each use case across different solutions like medium or wordpress). With opne solution, you can drastically simplify your web stack. It helps save time in terms of manual coding and building. The deployment is very simple, we have our own public API and can also be used as headless CMS. Finally, it can help concentrate on value-added tasks as after the implementation, changes and rewriting can be done by no-coders


Developers want to know how simple the integration to the existing website will be. This is one of our key strenghts as we are very flexible (like an iframe but much more powerful).

In addition to that you can focus on the fact that notice will really help them focus on their value added and simplify their stack of solutions.

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